Queer Asian Mental Health Club is a virtual meeting space to reflect, heal, & become empowered in our identities.
Queer Asian Mental Health Club is created in collaboration with Asian Mental Health Project, Queer Asian Social Club, and Jemarc Axinto. Join our bi-weekly sessions as we discuss topics such as healing through trauma, decolonizing queer spaces, and owning our personal queer timelines. Discussions will be led by the incredible Jemarc Axinto and every session will include a grounding meditation, journaling exercises, and small group activities. Come and reflect, heal, and learn something new about yourself and your community. Make new friends, ask questions, or turn your camera off and cry… or all of the above! You’re welcome here, just as you are.

About Jemarc Axinto
Jemarc Axinto (They/She/He) is a Filipinx, Nonbinary, Trauma Recovery, Creativity & Authenticity coach with a deep practice rooted in Vajryana Buddhism and a profoundly theosophic view of spirituality and wellness. They believe that the path to healing isn’t solely found in one space, but is about the deep integration of modern day science with ancient philosophy and wisdom. They have dedicated over ten years of their life to the actualization of a mind, body, spirit balanced no longer withheld by trauma, labels, and roles. They’ve turned this deep study into an alchemical process to empower everyone they meet into actualizing their most authentic selves and radically rewiring their brains to heal trauma at its root in the nervous system.
Jemarc’s unique approach to healing is one that does not reject anyone so long as they keep their hearts open to the Brahmaviharas. They believe that healing isn’t about restricting oneself to one path, but rather about finding your own path on the path.
"Jemarc’s profound dedication to radical authenticity genuinely benefits others on their path to liberation." - Sah D'Simone